• Jose Berrios - keep Moving Forward

    Keep Moving Forward, your go-to clothing brand for motivation and comfort.

    Our apparel is designed to inspire you to push past obstacles and reach for your dreams. Whether you're crushing a workout or tackling a tough day, our clothes will keep you feeling confident and motivated. Join our community and let's keep moving forward together!


  • This is my story

    I had to face the devastating blow of losing my mother. She was more than a parent to me; she was my rock, my guiding light. Her passing left a void in my heart that seemed impossible to fill. I found myself lost in a sea of grief, struggling to find my way in a world that suddenly felt so dark and cruel.

    But that wasn’t all. Just a month after my mother’s departure, the foundation of my marriage crumbled beneath me. I found myself separated from a twenty-year partnership, a union that held so many memories and dreams. It felt as if the rug had been pulled out from under me, leaving me feeling disoriented, hurt, and alone.

    As if the weight of these losses wasn’t heavy enough, another blow struck my family. My brother found himself facing a seventeen-year prison sentence. The news was like a punch to the gut, filling my world with disbelief and sorrow. It felt like the very ground on which I stood was shaking, threatening to give way and swallow me whole.

    In those dark moments, it would have been easy to surrender to the pain, to let myself drown in a pool of self-pity and despair. But then, a flicker of light emerged from within me. I remembered the strength and resilience my mother had always shown throughout her life. She had faced countless challenges with grace and determination, never letting adversity keep her down.

    It dawned on me – I couldn’t let my children see me give up. I couldn’t let them witness their Dad succumbing to the hardships that had befallen our family. I had to honor my mother’s memory by emulating her strength and fortitude, and I had to be their guiding light in this
    stormy sea.

    So I made a decision. I chose to keep moving forward, to cling to hope even when it felt distant. It wasn’t an easy path, and the road was filled with obstacles and setbacks. But with every step, I reminded myself that I was doing it not just for me but for my children, for the legacy of strength and resilience that my mother had passed down to us.

    Day by day, I gathered up the broken pieces of my life and slowly began to rebuild. I sought solace in therapy, surrounding myself with supportive friends and family who understood the weight of my struggles. And most importantly, I embraced the power of self-care, nurturing my mind, body, and soul so that I could rise above the challenges that life had thrown my way.

    It wasn’t an overnight transformation, nor was it without pain. But gradually, I realized that amidst the darkness, there was also an opportunity for growth and renewal. I discovered newfound strengths within myself that I never knew existed – resilience, courage, and an unyielding determination to create a better future for my children.

    And with each passing day, I felt my spirit lift. I began to see glimpses of light piercing through the clouds, reminding me that even in the face of adversity, there is always hope. My journey was far from over, but I knew that as long as I kept moving forward, I would find my way to a brighter tomorrow.

    So here I am, four years later, standing tall. The losses I endured remain a part of my story, but they no longer define me. I have transformed the pain into unwavering strength, and the despair into a source of motivation.

    Life continues to present its challenges, but I face them head-on, knowing that I am capable of overcoming anything that comes my way. And as I look at my children, their eyes filled with trust and hope, I know that I made the right choice. I chose to keep moving forward.